A detailed analysis into Internet relationships has revealed that a large proportion of users are cheatings on their cyber-partner. This has sent shockwaves around the global Internet community, who had previously stated the Internet medium as the most reliable method of finding true love.
“It’s certainly a kick in the teeth,” claimed Internet advocate Keith Wilson, “We’ve been campaigning for years that Internet Chat Rooms are the most reliable means of falling in love, because the attraction is based on personality and not physical appearance. To be honest, compared to the latter tried and tested method – meeting people via Internet Chat Rooms is the only way most of us can get laid.
“But now it turns out there is a flaw in the system, not only is falling in love easier and more reliable – but it also appears that this has had the knock on effect of cheating being easier and more common,”
A typical case study of Internet Chat Room user SummerGirlUSA69 revealed:
“After months of searching I finally found d@nny_b0y and things couldn’t have been more perfect.” She explained, “We’d spend hours online explaining how much we loved each other and staring lovingly at the screen. Well I assume he was staring lovingly at his – I was certainly staring lovingly at mine.
“But a few weeks into our relationship and I noticed something was up. Whenever I tried to cyber with him he’d give me stupid excuses like ‘Sorry, can’t at the moment’ or ‘I’m not in the mood.’ It turns out he had a girlfriend ROUND HIS HOUSE. I mean, did our exchanges of words mean nothing to him. Of course, he tried to pass her off as some kind of wife he’d been married to for years, but I can see through that. He’s just being a man.”
Another user, I_AM_NEO claimed that his love affair proved even more disastrous:
“I had got to know this girl, HoRnY_DeViL, really well. We’d been cybering all night – I really thought it was going well and that it meant something to the two of us. But then after I activated the Trojan I’d put on her computer I scanned her chat logs and found out she’d been cybering with three other guys at the same time. Talk about breaking the trust we’d formed.”
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