When developing the iPhone 4, it was discovered the human eye was only able to distinguish 300 pixels per inch at a distance of 10 inches. With 326 pixels per inch it was clear the human eye was not able to get the most from iPhone. Therefore we developed the world's first high definition retina and now you can get the most from everything.
We could measure the ability of this new eyeball with facts and figures, but that would totally undermine it's potential performance. The only thing you need to know about what it can achieve is "WOW!"
While most eyes use a standard optic nerve connection, this universal standard comes with universal drawbacks. By using the standard iPod dock connector we can ensure the iRetina will be fully adaptable for all your future needs.
iRetina introduces a new standard in socially aware wifi. Instead of muscling in and making sure it gets its wifi first, iRetina will patiently wait for other devices to connect first and then see if there is any left to use.
Ever wondered why you can't connect to Twitter with your eyeball? Ever thought your eyes would be better if they could upload to YouTube? Well we have.
iRetina allows you to connect to all the major social networking sites and upload everything you have been looking at... instantly*! Let your friends see exactly what you are seeing as you see it.
*dependent on wifi connectivity
With iRetina, you don't just look at an object, you see it in perfect clarity. To achieve that we have put special adaptive lenses in our design that automatically focus on whatever you are looking for without you having to do anything.
iRetina delivers a world beating standard of invision advertising delivering adverts that are contextually relevant to whatever you are looking at at the time.
The iRetina has built in facial recognition meaning you can identify your friends just by looking at them. No longer wait for them to have to identify themselves by speaking or wearing a name badge, simply point your eyes in the direction of your friend's face and the iRetina will tell you who they are. Magic!
Expert users will teach their friends the 'I have never been this amazed ever' open mouthed , top teeth showing smile for even speedier identification. iRetina will really put a smile on everyone's faces.
If you don't have to queue for something to make sure you get it then you know it is not something worth getting
We will make sure that every news channel reports on iRetina from the first rumor, to every keynote speech, to each and every release across the planet.
Our global roll outs will seem like film premieres... but iRetina is bigger than cinema because you can't watch a movie without eyes.
iRetina has changed the game. iRetina has changed what we expect from eyes. iRetina has changed what we had thought was possible. iRetina has changed the world.
Things will never be the same again.