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Comic #30 : "Technology Reviews"

Wednesday 1st May 2013
Technology Reviews




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There used to be a time where tech journalists were seen as a source of expert knowledge, people who could be relied upon for giving useful, relevant advice.

While, these sorts of journalists do still exist, today the vast majority of technology journalists seem to be fanboys of a particular brand and will then rubbish competitors products for either "not having the same features" for anything it has done differently and "ripping off" their product for anything it does the same.

They also seem to believe that one size fits all. While there may be the odd sentence that talks about it, really a review should be breaking down a product and talking about how it fits different types of user. A great example is the size of phone screens. How many times have reviewers said that "X inches is too big for a phone" - yes, for a lot of people a large screen is not suitable, but for others a small screen is not suitable. People can make their own mind up on what size of screen is best suited for them. It would be like saying "A BMW 7 series is too big for a car" - there is not one "car size" that suits everyone, there is not one car that suits everyone. Reviews should take into account which demographic a product is aimed at and judge it according to that.

And "Smartphone users" is not a demographic. Nearly every phone is a smartphone now. Calling smartphones users a demographic would be a bit like calling "women" a demographic. Although, to be honest, the tech industry often does that too.