Comic #48 : "Retribution"
Monday 10th June 2013
I needed an "in progress" conversation to be interrupted for the first frame, so I made a reference to one of the most famous xkcd comics.
There is a total logic fail with whoever thinks adding these videos at the start of DVDs are a good idea. If you have legally bought a DVD then you are not pirating, meaning that you are inconveniencing the people who AREN'T pirating.
But also, and even more stupidly, by inconveniencing the people who are watching a legal copy, you are making the pirated copies better. If you buy a pirated copy and can get straight to the movie without being forced to watch 10 minutes of anti piracy videos and trailers for other DVDs you are incentivising people to pirate - not to save money, but to get a better product.
So yeah, if you meet anyone from the Film or TV industry who thinks this is a good idea, they definitely deserve several hard kicks in the balls.