Random Perspective Comic: Geek and Tech related humour
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Story Arc: The Night Traffic Grovel - Episode 21 - Read from start

Comic #120 : "The Night Traffic Grovel, Part 18: For the Safety of Other Passengers"

Sunday 9th February 2014
The Night Traffic Grovel, Part 18: For the Safety of Other Passengers





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This has been the most complicated comic to draw to date, with the first three frames having to be drawn in a single image file, taking up 3.5GB of RAM at its peak. I decided to therefore show you the process that a comic goes through, from the initial very rough sketch of the idea, through to the final sketch, through to the drawing of the final colours, and finally the shading. Click each button to see each stage.

Of course, once I have finished this story I will revert back to the more traditional comics, as they take far less time to draw and are a better style for the usual style of jokes that I like to do.

In other news, one of my old comics, Classic Tech had gone viral thanks to several high profile social media accounts - most notably the excellent one set up by George Takei

Unfortunately, the version of my comic that got shared was one that had my url and credit cropped out, and subsequently it looked like a generic image. Fortunatey, in the case of George Takei's page, they are a very professional page and when I emailed them they added a link back to my comic meaning I have had a huge surge on visitors and several new followers on Facebook and Twitter.

However, whoever decided to crop out my website URL has done a great deal of damage. Not only is there now a version of the comic floating around without my URL (in greater abundance than the version with it) it also impedes my ability to grow my audience. I make no money from my comic, it is a labour of love. I don't put advertising banners on my site, I release every comic for free on my website and social media and I don't force any merchandise or other monetary products on my audience. So it is very upsetting when someone decided to remove the URL to imply it was their creation.

To my new readers

Welcome to my comic. Thank you very much for following me on Facebook/Twitter/Tumblr/RSS. If you visited the comic from the 'Classic Tech' comic, with the kid and the floppy disc, and are wondering why this comic is a little different in style, I am presently doing a multi part comic story parodying thrillers/graphic novels, which I started with Comic 100.

Once the story ends, which it is approaching the end, I will return to the standard style, of shorter comics in a more typic cartoon style. So if that is what you joined to watch, then don't worry, there will be more of those soon.