The technology industry was sent into a frenzy today when an employee at a electronic retailer leaked a promotional photo rumoured to be of an accessory for Apple's new iPad, an update for the popular iGlove from 2010:
When the tablet launched, all the talk was about its Retina Display, iSight camera, LTE internet connect and quad core A5X processor. Curiously, Apple failed to give sufficient attention to one feature new and exclusive to the new iPad: its ability to keep the user's hands warm while using the device:
“I'm astounded,” renowned tech journalist Keith Wilson explained, “They paid a lot of attention to the Retina Display – which may be the highest resolution screen available on a tablet, Asus had already released a tablet with a high resolution screen and a similar pixel density, albeit slightly lower than what is on the iPad. That same tablet also had a quad core processor and a high resolution camera.
“However Asus's tablet lacked the handwarming feature, in fact I don't know of any rival tablet which has it. People complained the iPad 3 didn't innovate... well it did, but for some reason Apple forgot to mention it in the keynote.”
Not everyone is as enthusiastic though, with some people claiming that the handwarming feature is uncomfortable and makes their hands too warm. Life blogger Chuck Hankman detailed his concerns:
“After queuing up for 6 days outside my Apple store I was super excited to get the iPad 3. It was cold night and my hand were cold so imagine what a pleasant surprise it was when I found out that it kept my hands warm as walked down the street playing Angry Birds in super HD.
“Now, this isn't a criticism of Apple, because I know that they know better than me when and where I need to use their features, but I thought it would turn off on a warm day when your hands are already warm, but if anything, it gets even warmer.
“Now I know that some people will tell me I should jailbreak it and turn off the feature myself, but those people are idiots. They are not as smart as Apple – this is probably like when I got my iPhone 4, hopefully Apple will release instructions telling dumb people like me how to hold it.”
Given the strong words that Chuck used against the new iPad on his blog “I married my MacBook Pro” many people have dismissed him as an “Apple Troll” and are claiming that the reports of people unhappy with the new feature have been exaggerated. While there is absolute no reliable data on the exact number we can only conclude that there probably aren't very many.
While Apple have not responded to the reports on the handwarming feature, when the picture was leaked online people began to speculate that Apple was admitting it had not been as popular as they anticipated.
Upon seeing the picture Android fanboy Dennis Bock tweeted “At the keynote Apple said 'just look at it' – that's because if you touched it you'd burn your hands” and later commented that he expected “Samsung to be releasing a Galaxy 10.1 with a clothes iron bolted on the back of it very soon”
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