United States

General News Stories pertaining to the United States of America

  1. NRA Campaigns For All Marathon Runners to Carry Bombs
  2. Shooting Innocent People in America now best way to become super famous
  3. America Forced Into Witness Protection Program Following Wikileaks Scandal
  4. Gay Tanks Support Repealing of "Don't Ask Don't Tell" Law
  5. US General Fired Due To Poor F-35 Performance in Die-Hard
  6. Bristol Palin Tells Teens "No To Pre-marital Sex" – Vows To Break Other Taboos For The Good Of America
  7. Al-Qaeda Angry that US Media Does a Better Job at Scaring Americans
  8. Fox News: 2008 Elections Perfect Platform To Launch New Anchor
  9. Obama awarded Nobel Prize for Peace, Chemistry, Physics, Time Travel
  10. US Cinemas Refuse to Show Bush Assassination Film Until He is Assassinated
  11. President Bush Pardons Self for War Crimes, Torture, Parking Ticket
  12. US Government Denies Bin Laden "I am Dead" Videotape is a Fake
  13. Bush Blames Pakistan Threat on Administrative Error
  14. Quail Grateful to Harry Whittington for Taking Dick Cheney's Shot
  15. Bush Forgets Punch Line To Oil Joke
  16. George Bush Finally Submits to Torture Ban
  17. White House Sues “The Onion” to Cover up Iran Invasion Plan
  18. Charity Donors Really Annoyed Their Donations Are Going to Americans
  19. Bush's Scientists Prepare Paper Showing Katrina had Nothing to do with Climate Change
  20. Real New Yorkers Concerned that Fictional New York will be Destroyed if Jack Bauer Fails
  21. 37% of Americans Believe Jack Bauer is Real
  22. John Kerry to Replace Colin Powell, beating Condoleezza Rice, as Secretary of State
  23. European Intelligence Services Claim werenotsorry.com Website is Funded by Al-Qaeda
  24. Democrats Call for Bush to be Banned From Presidential Election
  25. Americans Annoyed as 4th of July Becomes Just Another British Bank Holiday
  26. USA Recaptured by British Whilst Americans Busy With 4th of July Celebrations
  27. George Bush To Hire Stunt Double Following Bicycle Accident
  28. Bush Considers Regime Change Plans For Massachusetts
  29. Bush Confused By Dictionary – calls Iraq Pictures ‘Abhorrent’
  30. Bush’s Private Performance Was First Class Says September 11th Commission
  31. Kerry Demands Handicap To Help Fight Fair Election
  32. Arnold Schwarzenegger To Blast Deadly Gay Unions With Rail Gun
  33. British Demand to Know Who Howard Dean Is
  34. US To Send Planes To Alternative Destinations
  35. United States: “France Sold Iraq Almost As Many Weapons As We Did”
  36. US Determines that Saddam Hussein was ‘Bluffing’ about Weapons of Mass Destruction
  37. World Unimpressed with Bill Gates’ Puny $168m Donation
  38. Republicans Push for New “No Back Entry” Law to apply to Houses and Other Buildings
  39. New White House Email system confirms 100% Support for Bush
  40. Congress demands for the Aircraft Carrier, USS Great Briton, to be recalled from the Middle East
  41. Marlboro Submits Alternative Design For Replacement World Trade Center
  42. Nuke-Carrying Iraqi Supersonic Stealth Bomber turns out to be a Model
  43. Deep Hole Outside White House is not a Nuclear Bunker
  44. Judge Jokingly Accuses Woman of Being a Terrorist
  45. Bush Gets Lost on Middle East Roadmap and Demands Wal-Mart Disarms
  46. Bill Clinton Offers to Search for Saddam Hussein on Cyber Sex Chat rooms
  47. Osama Bin Laden Streaks through Washington DC
  48. Bush Reasons Cut in Education Budget
  49. Bush beat Hans Blix at ‘Hide and Seek’
  50. American Arrested for Wearing a T-Shirt
  51. Bush can Name All Enemy Nations – but can he spell them?
  52. President Bush Finishes Painting Fence Red
  53. Bush Publishes List of Terrorists still Uncaught
  54. Scientists Ponder Monkey Test