The months of debate over the eventual emergence of a self-governing Iraqi state were finally put to bed today when the Iraqi Interim Governing Council announced that it would use a rotating presidency system to appoint the nations leader until a democratically elected president was a realistic viability.
Each of the major ethnic groups in Iraq gets a proportional share of the governing calender. This is achieved by each group receiving a proportional number of candidates who would each get the chance to run Iraq for a month.
This resulted in five Shia Muslims, two Sunni Muslims, two Kurdish and one Western Journalist representative each getting a month in charge whilst the government works to establish the anticipated democratic state. To avoid any political bias, the Presidents will run in Alphabetical order.
President George W Bush was quick to congratulate the Iraqi government on carefully evaluating the alternatives and coming up with a system that would benefit the Iraqi people:
“It is good to see that despite what people said about America and her Allies attempting to run Iraqi through some form of puppet dictator that the truths we told would prevail. I can’t wait to shake hands with Iraq’s new president and hail in a new era of oil…” The President paused whilst he adjusted his earpiece, “I mean freedom. New era of freedom.”
He then continued to congratulate the first candidate to take office:
“The first President is certainly experienced for the post – he’s very used to Spin Doctors so Rotating Presidents should be second nature to him: I’m pleased to congratulate my dear friend Tony Blair as first President of Iraq, representing the Western Journalists. Boy, was I surprised when I heard your first name was really Antony. But Linton… What were your parents thinking of?”
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