Blair Claims All Out War with Iraq will help deal with Asylum Seekers

4th February 2003

Tony Blair has made claim that going to war with Iraq will help Britain deal with its immigration crisis.

“As we all know, Saddam Hussein is quite willing to put his civilians at danger and for that reason he must be using all the airports in Iraq for military reasons. Also, we have reason to believe that his bridges will, in fact, convert into missile launch pads at the touch of a button.

“So once we’ve bombed all the air ports and all of the bridges we will have cured the problem of Iraqi asylum seekers entering Britain as will be virtually impossible for them to get here.”

When questioned about immigrants from other nations Blair replied:

“The attack on Iraq will help deal with the problem with asylum seekers from other nations as after the war we will have big empty nuclear missile bunkers in which to house them.”