Meeting World Leaders in St. Petersburg, George W Bush took the opportunity to parade his latest acquisition – his new Virtual Suit he downloaded from an Internet Site during this past week.
Mr Bush was guaranteed by the website that the suit followed the latest fashions, and could be used for any function from Political Meetings, to Funerals, to Fancy Dress Parties – all for $99.
Astounded by the value by such a versatile and contemporary design Mr Bush immediately put in an order for 4 of the virtual suits. Mr Bush first modelled the suit in front of his administration, who were initially reluctant to pass comments. Later they claimed they were just amazed by the quality of the design and that the look of contentment on the President’s face when modelling the suit had no impact on their decision to back the new suit.
Mr Bush turned up at an official function parading his new suit, amongst stifled gasps and shocked looks although White House officials assured the president this was just in amazement at his high level of taste.
Mr Bush later gave a speech, addressing the European leaders – looking very comfortable and confident in his new attire. Despites insistences by his Administration that he should remain at the private function, George Bush was adamant on taking a walk around the historic city of St. Petersburg, greeting members of the Russian public. However, everyone he approached seemed to back away from the President - even when he ran over to greet them – seemingly oblivious to his identity.
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