George Bush has revealed his intention to make a film that exposes some of film producer Michael Moore’s dark secrets and release it before the 2004 Presidential Election. The film comes after Michael Moore’s film ‘Fahrenheit 9-11’ premiered at the Cannes film festival receiving mixed reviews despite a 15-minute standing ovation.
The President has already managed to generate publicity for his film by claiming that Disney has refused to distribute his film. Disney though has denied this and says the reason it is not distributing Mr Bush’s film is because he has yet to make it.
The President is apparently hard at work thinking up plot lines and researching Michael Moore’s background. Apparently the film will revolve around a scandal two years ago when Michael Moore ate all of his neighbour’s donuts.
“Look at how sinister this character is,” Mr Bush explained, “He claims that I am abusing my position of power, have ties with Osama Bin Laden and have illegally invaded Iraq. However this comes from a man who stole all of his neighbour donuts after being invited into his home.”
People who have seen Michael Moore’s film have claimed that whilst it raises serious questions they do not think it will cause serious damage to President Bush’s presidential campaign. However following the announcement of Mr Bush’s film about Michael Moore, book makers have claimed that it is now extremely unlikely for Mr Moore to become President in this year’s elections.
President Bush has attributed it to the strength of his film documentary about Michael Moore’s donut stealing days, however critics have claimed it is more likely down to the fact Michael Moore is not likely to stand as a Presidential candidate. They have claimed it is a bad idea for Mr Bush to try and fight Michael Moore on his home ground as he tried that with the Iraqis and has just ended up making a mess of the situation.
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