Charity Donors across the Globe have expressed their collective annoyance at how their generous donations of their hard earned cash is going to the aid of United States citizens rather than to assisting disaster stricken Third World nations.
Keith Wilson, a long time donor to the British Red Cross articulated his frustration:
“What's going on with America? Aren't they the richest country in the world or something. Maybe they should have spent their money on flood defence rather than Ferraris, or at least had the sense to move to their Californian mansions during hurricane season. Fair enough if they were caught by surprise, but hanging around near that area at this time of year – I'm not sure I want to spend so much money on people who got endangered by their own stupidity.”
The White House was quick to issue a statement explaining that whilst it understood that many could see the notion of the world's richest country receiving charity, it should be noted that as America was the world's biggest giver to charity, the investment of charitable aid in America versus its overall charitable output would still yield a substantial profit for the rest of the world.
The statement also stated that the rumours that Bush had considered renaming New Orleans to “Africashan” and only broadcasting footage of its more impoverished and worst flood hit areas in an effort to increase international aid had absolutely no basis in fact.
As for angered donor Keith Wilson, he eventually calmed down and accepted the situation:
“Ok, maybe I was a little bit wound up when I said what I said earlier. If people have got stranded after being hit by the hurricane then it's only fair they receive aid. But there is one thing I won't stand for – if I hear my money has gone to rescue a boat load of Americans who have travelled to New Orleans for the sole purpose of celebrity spotting the famous actors helping with the relief effort the Red Cross is not getting another penny.”
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