Bush Reasons Cut in Education Budget

10th March 2003

Following criticisms of the National cut in the Education budget nationwide George Bush has released the follow statement explaining his actions:

George W. Bush's Official Press Release:

my fellow american’s it seemed that at this moment you are not in agreement with the Disizion of my adminnistrayshun to reduse spending on the Education departments Budget.

however I feal that our educating faculties are already at such a hye standard we are over educating our childs. I can give specific examples of what i Meen:

We may be cutting back 30% of our Mathematics staff – but analysts tell me that our Mathematics teaching standards are 50% higher than anywhere else in the world. This means the 80% of the remaining workforce should surely be able to keep us ahead of the rest of the field.

what is the point of teaching people english i really dont, no we. all speek it unless you are? a foreign imigint and then u shudn’t be hear

pizzical education is also pointless. Our kids are alreddy reelly big thanks to mcdonalds. Do we really need to add lodes of big mussles to their fatty boddys Thay’d expload.

geography was a subject i hated when i was been educated as far as i am concerned their is only too nayshuns in this world. americaland and bomb-testing-cuntree. american’s come from americaland and forreners come from bomb-testing-cuntree. Y do they need to no NE more than that? I dont and i’m prezzadant of americaland