LOTR fans annoyed at changes to the Final Film’s finale

19th January 2003

Fans of Tolkien’s “Lord of the Rings” epic tale are dismayed at the sweeping changes that are being made to the tale by the film producers.

For a while, it has been known that the scouring of the Shire at the end of the film is to be missed out as it was felt this was already covered in the first film, much to the annoyance of many fan. However a new change to the story had now been revealed: a new photo showing the development of the relationship between Sam and Frodo has been leaked.

The first change to the Sam/Frodo relationship was a fight scene towards the end of the second film. Some fans also maintain that the infatuated look that Sam gives Frodo in the final shot of the “Fellowship of the Ring” was not included in the text.

But both of those pale in comparison when compared to the new development revealed in the following photograph:

Fans of Tolkien's "Lord of the Rings" were shocked by the changes to the film's finale.

Editors Note:
Listen, I'm getting pretty fed up with all the dumbasses who don't actually bother to read the text and just rate this on the picture. It is not slash - in fact, until I started getting feedback I had no idea what 'slash' was. It's a piece of satire criticising the film's interpretation of the Sam/Frodo relationship and not an insult to Tolkien's work. If anything, it is the film's depiction of their relationship that is the insult to Tolkien's work as it was that which kickstarted the Internet tirade of Sam/Frodo slash.