World’s Media Disappointed No Major Landmarks Were Destroyed In Madrid Attacks

12th March 2004

The World’s Media has expressed its disappointment in the lack of damage to iconic world structures following the Terrorist Attacks in Madrid. The attacks on the Spanish capital cost the lives of 190 people, one of the largest terrorist attacks since September 11th, with fatalities expected to rise over the coming days.

However, the news coverage paled in comparison to the New York attacks. Whilst it made headline news around the globe, TV schedules remained largely unchanged, and the British tabloids still featured their usual indulgences into Jordan, David Beckham and speaking out against Speed Cameras.

Media analyst Keith Wilson was quick to explain as to why this had happened:

“With the World Trade Center attacks not only was the death toll much higher, but it had a far more high scale profile all round. It featured aeroplanes crashing, multiple explosions and destruction and damage to world famous landmarks in two major cities.

“People might say the reason for the coverage is due to the difference in the death tolls, but in the end the numbers killed are irrelevant. Was it not Stalin who said ‘One death is a tragedy, one million deaths is a statistic? Based on that logic, the Madrid attack is far worse as 190 is closer to one and 3,000 is closer to a million.

“No, the most important factor in the attacks comes down to the lack of landmark buildings destroyed. With September 11th you could justify stopping Eastenders and televising the attacks – I mean how cool is it watching some skyscrapers explode. Sure people are dying, but people forget that when they are watching TVs.

“When Concorde crashed – we stopped the regular TV shows for that. That was just over 100 people killed in an accident not an attack. Why was this far more news worthy? Because a rare aeroplane had been destroyed.

“However, show a train on fire and all they’ll think of is all of the natural train disasters, well I mean the ones that don’t involve terrorist parties. Unless you count the Conservatives as a terrorist party in which case pretty much all the British train crashes are somehow down to them.”

Other factors that have been suggested include the fact that it was not based in America. With America responsible for influencing an overwhelming percentage of Television material, the fact the Spanish attacks lacked an American connection severely limited its marketability. However, Mr Wilson explained to use that marketability it ultimately what killed the story:

“Terrorist attacks on a major city? It’s been done. The IRA started the trend attacking London and Al-Qaeda made it big with 9/11. People are losing interest, the Madrid attacks have proved that terrorist attacks are just no longer fashionable amongst today's television audience.”