Headteacher Shocked as Ask Jeeves Throws Up Porn

6th November 2004

A head teacher from a school in Bradford has been shocked when his search query returned links to pornographic material.

“I’ve been using Ask Jeeves for years as I believed it to be a school safe site.” Head Teach Keith Wilson explained. “However, I put in one simple query and all of a sudden I was confronted with images of dozens of naked women.”

The school secretary entered the office as Mr Wilson was in the middle of viewing a foursome between 3 lesbians and a goat:

“I asked why he was 3 minutes into the video and he explained to me he had to make sure it was not a sex education site before submitting his complaint to Ask Jeeves.”

After receiving the complaint Ask Jeeves were quick to point out that in most circumstances it was highly unusual for their search engine to return undesired pornographic results:

“Unlike most search engines, Ask Jeeves works on a keyword technology and certain combinations of these keywords can produce unexpected results,” Ask Jeeves employee Chuck Hankman explained, “Obviously we will have to decompile the software and run tests to find out what part of Mr Wilson’s search - ‘Welsh teenage lesbian beastial orgy fetishes’ – returned a link to the porn site in question.”

Following the incident, Mr Wilson shut down access to the search engine however refused to explain why he was still downloading the video.