Leader of the Conservative Party, David Cameron, revealed today that he wants to take over the controls of the TARDIS on the BBC’s hit science fiction ‘Doctor Who.’ The politician, leader of Britain’s main opposition party, explained that he felt the decision to replace outgoing actor David Tennant with Matt Smith went against the wishes of the British public.
“It has been known for some time that David was leaving,” Cameron explained, “There was plenty of time to consult the British people on the matter, instead we have had a new Doctor imposed on the nation without being given a say in the matter.”
Given the popularity of Tennant’s portrayal of the Tenth Doctor, many fans empathise with David Cameron’s scepticism. Many feel that in the twenty seconds that Matt Smith appeared on screen he failed to capture the hearts in the same way that Tennant did over four years. As the youngest Doctor in the show’s history many fans feel that the show should have made a return to its roots.
Upon hearing Cameron’s criticism David Tennant was quick to stand up for Matt Smith and denied that he was pushed from his position, instead citing that he faced new challenges and had every confidence that Matt would do ‘a superb job’ as the Doctor.
David Cameron was quick to remind people that despite the popularity of Tennant’s Doctor, he did not agree with everything that had happened during his tenure:
“Whilst there are some things that were good about David Tennant’s time as the Doctor,” Cameron said, “There were some things that cannot be forgiven.
“No sooner had he got the keys to the TARDIS did he start inviting pop stars and comedians in to join him. He opened up the barriers between universes allowing the Cybus Industries Cybermen to come to this world and take the jobs of our indigenous Mondas Cybermen.”
The production team behind Doctor Who defended the creative decisions taken over the last five years but also explained that with a new lead writer and producer that the next term of Doctor Who would be revitalised even further.
David Cameron was quick to dispute the matter:
“They say that it is a new team, but Stephen Moffat was Russell T Davies’ right hand man. The face might have changed but the message is the same. Doctor Who needs change, and if I was made the Doctor I would bring it.”
When asked about what changes he would make David Cameron refused to elaborate, however he did rule out holding a referendum on the Time War as “it had happened now” and it wouldn’t really change anything anyway.
UPDATE - 16/01/2010:
See Doctor Who website Androzani's reaction to this news story here!
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