Shock Horror: Speed Cameras Catch Speeding Drivers

10th February 2003

It has been revealed that the thousands of drivers caught every day on Speed Cameras are actually exceeding the legal speed limit for the section of road they are travelling on.

Speed Cameras catch drivers who are breaking the law by breaking the speed limit.

“This revelation is certainly a shock, we thought that these people being caught were not actually doing anything wrong.” A campaigner against speed cameras informed us, “I mean, the Daily Mail publishes a report nearly every day saying how these innocent people are being targeted but now that I know they are actually breaking the speed limit it sort of puts it into perspective.”

Other protesters were not convinced “It’s stupid, there are murders and robbers and drug dealers out there. And all the police are doing are catching speeding motorists. They should take these speed cameras off of the road and use them to catch the real criminals.”

However, legal experts are impressed by the speed camera’s record:

“Over 99% of the people caught on speed cameras are guilty of breaking the speed limit. No other area of policing can match that success rate.”