Daily Telegraph discovers that Saddam Hussein read the Daily Mirror

27th April 2003

In a shock discovery the Daily Telegraph has unearthed what it believes is categorical proof that Saddam Hussein read the British tabloid ‘The Daily Mirror.’

After investigating one of Saddam’s palaces in central Baghdad, on the floor in one of the burned out bathrooms was a copy of a recent edition of the newspaper.

A Daily Telegraph reporter discovered a copy of the Daily Mirror in one of Saddam Hussein's burned out bathrooms, bombed by US Bombers.

“It is now blindingly obvious why the Daily Mirror was anti the war on Iraq. Being one of the world’s wealthiest men Saddam Hussein must have been able to buy a substancial number of copies of the newspaper.” The reporter who made the find explained.

The same reporter then went on to discover that Saddam Hussein was a strong supporter of the European single currency, and believed that Britain should adopt it at the first opportunity.

Finally, the Telegraph revealed that in a secret memo to his intelligence agencies Saddam Hussein had commented:

“It is extremely important that Britain does not elect a Conservative Government. Such a Government would severely limit our wickedness and prevent us from doing anything to destabilize global peace.”