Ariel Sharon Suffers Triple Heart-attack, Falls Backwards Off of Chair and Questions Whether this is Reality

10th July 2003

Israeli Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon, suffered a triple heart attack when he learnt the news that American President, George W. Bush, had spoken out against the action Israel had taken against the Palestinians. He then proceeded to fall back off of his chair in a comical fashion at his brain processed what had just happened.

Once medics revived him, he announced, “Ah, it was just a horrible dream.” To which his advisers carefully explained that it wasn’t.

Ariel Sharon quickly contacted President Bush conveying his surprise to which Bush referred back to the Road Map.

“Look, we agreed the route we should take. A left at human rights issues, a left at policing issues, a right at weapons of mass destruction and a left at retaliation. You clearly just went right. And now we’re completely screwed cos there are no U turns on this round.

“What’s more, it leads to American Distrust and Terrorist Attacks… two places we specifically intended to avoid altogether. No matter how much time it added to the journey.

“You’re just lucky that it looks like we’re going to avoid passing through Oil Price Rises because otherwise I’d be much more mad that I am at the moment.”