Iraqi Information Minister Joins Random Perspective

4th June 2003

Hello, I am a new staff member at this world leading satirical website. It seems that I proved the non-existence of those American Troops in Baghdad, as I was not arrested despite pleading with them to do so!

Saeed al-Sahhaf has now joined Random Perspective

However, recruiters from Random Perspective were in Baghdad and thus I was hired to work here.

I will state now that jokes and satirical articles about me have not been done too many times. In fact, they have not really been done at all. They are all American lies.

People are not getting bored of takes on my skewed version of reality that has a tendency to be the opposite of the truth. I think that people enjoy reading this very much and that they would rather have a thousand jokes based on me than 1 unique, interesting article.

In fact, “XXXX hires Iraqi Information Minister” will always be funny. No matter how many times it is said. It seems that amongst many others Microsoft, the BBC, the US Government and now Random Perspective all want my services.

I obviously chose Random Perspective as it promises me a successful future and obviously could afford my services far more easily than the others. I will enjoy writing for this website and you can expect to see many, many more articles by myself.

Oh, and yes, I did write this article.

-Saeed Al Sahhaf